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From Sámi school history research towards developing the Sámi teaching -Sámi school history conference
The purpose of the conference is to highlight the research and writing of Sámi school history in four countries by looking at the situation of Sami school history research. The presentations give a picture about what has already been done at the Sami school history field. Conference participants will analyze further research needs.
It is needed to analyze from all-Sami perspective the school historical prosesses and peoples' experiences. Sámi school research requires a change of perspective on three sides: First, research has been largely national state oriented, i.e. the state boundaries is perceived as paradigm for granted. Second, the Sámi people's own perspective is just the recently been stepped up in the research. Third, the regional differences and the different characteristics of the Sámi population should be highlighted, in order to avoid anachronist image about Sámi people.
Read more: Sámi skuvlahistorjákonferánsa